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Win a £500 voucher at 77 Diamonds

£500 voucher at 77 Diamonds

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Looking for something special? Celebrate your story with 77 — win a £500 voucher to use on any purchase at 77 Diamonds.

An award-winning jeweller based in Mayfair, 77 Diamonds crafts unique diamond and gemstone jewellery. Whether the perfect ‘treat yourself’ gift or a celebration of love: every piece at 77 is tailor-made to fit your moment.

Named in reference to 1477, the year in which the first marriage proposal was made with a diamond engagement ring, 77 Diamonds creates jewellery that matches your story. A celebration of love, the promise of a new chapter, or simply a gift to say ‘I made it’ — fine jewellery is a reflection of a precious memory, made to last a lifetime.

That’s why 77 Diamonds helps you create your very own jewellery online. By picking your favourite design and matching it to the diamond or gemstone of your choice, you have full control over the jewellery making process, and can be proud to own a piece that is designed by you, for you.
77 Diamonds offers a selection of diamond rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces, as well as a range of coloured gemstones. Each gem is sourced with care, ensuring it complies with standards of quality and responsible sourcing.

Want to see a diamond up close? You can also book an appointment with a jewellery specialist at one of 77 Diamonds’ luxury showrooms, and design your favourite piece with one-to-one help. Once you are happy with your design, it will then be handcrafted by experts in the very heart of Mayfair, London.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 03/05/2024.


£500 voucher at 77 Diamonds x1